Fabulous F Words of Mentoring

Mentoring comes in many forms. As a young teenager, Fabi Preslar was introduced to Yvonne – a vibrant, outspoken French woman who would become her life-long mentor. Fabulous F Words of Mentoring is the revised version of On Heaven’s Couch which described the journey that Fabi and her Mentor took together and the emotional and spiritual strength Preslar attributes to her lessons learned. She explains how Yvonne’s strong dose of reality coupled with tough love and heartfelt lessons helped her to transition from a shy introvert to a successful businesswoman, empowering public speaker, and mentor. Filled with bold lessons and poignant quotes, Fabulous F Words of Mentorship encourages readers to love life, appreciate its little heavens, and in Yvonne’s words, “Be good to yourself.”

$21.00 paperback (168 pages)
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“What a WONDERFUL little book! When I first picked it up, I expected ‘cute’: instead, it’s profound.”

Writer's Digest

“Using her good friend and mentor as her advisor, the help and answers she receives are presented in an acceptable way, that is, via discussion with her mentor. We also see the doubts and later resolution of the issue the author is tangling with. The good advice, suggestions via the author’s experience are then not rammed down the reader’s throat as ‘The Answers.’”

Writer's Digest review

“On Heaven’s Couch is a great collection of practical wisdom that is easy to read and enjoyable. It provides great examples of how life usually puts the lessons in our path that we need to learn — if we are open to them. Fabi’s own story woven throughout is interesting and inspiring.”

Denise Altman

Business Success Institute

On Heaven’s Couch is filled with positive energy. This wonderful book is filled with expressions of love, compassion and companionship.”

Rev. Yvonne McJetters

“A beautiful tribute to your mentor. And, you have made brilliant use of the Law of Attraction…”

Stephanie Slavin

Quantum Leap Wealth Coach

“Could not put your book down! Thanks a million for putting your heart and soul out to the world for the rest of us to learn.”

Leslie Vilhelmsen

Charlotte Chocolate

“Fabi Preslar has created a business grown from her heart and shares her journey to help others. I can see the wisdoms that will be a great help to many, especially those inspiring to find their future.”

Jane Boston

Motivations Ministries

“[On Heaven’s Couch is] a bible for life. Those who read it will get to where they are going quicker with more pleasure and reduce the pain of the pitfalls.”

H.A. Thompson

Rose Chauffeured Transportation

“Your book is such a blessing. It really ministered to me. I will give your book as a gift to friends and family who also need to read this beautiful message.”

Sheila Whisenant Cottringer

Charlotte Business Journal

“This book is most helpful and funny. In many parts I laughed out loud!!”

Jill Ainsworth

“A French poet once wrote that a pure soul is infinitely more resourceful than the cleverness of darkness. Fabi Preslar is a pure soul who has just completed her journey out of darkness, reluctantly guided by a caring (yet tough) mentor. She is now able to share her story to remind us that we can only grow after we have slayed our inner dragon, a necessary step called ‘Breakthrough.’ A life well-examined is indeed worth living and sharing.”

Carlos Salum

Salum International Resources